Friday, January 15, 2010

Organ Recital for Haiti

On behalf of all the people of St. Stephen’s Pro-Cathedral, 35 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre PA 18701, I’d like to invite you to St. Stephen’s on Sunday, January 31st at 3:00 p.m., when I will present an organ recital to raise money to send to Episcopal Relief and Development in support of the victims of the horrific earthquake damage in Haiti. All are welcome and encouraged to bring friends in support of a most worthy and urgent cause.

If you cannot attend the recital, we encourage you to support the victims with your prayers and monetary support through some worthy charitable organization. You may, if you wish, send a tax-deductible contribution to us at St. Stephen’s, and we will see that your gift is added to those we receive on January 31st. While this is not an immediate response, the need for support will undoubtedly continue through the coming weeks and months, so we’re hopeful that our efforts will be useful.

Many thanks for your help in this time of need for so many thousands upon thousands of our sisters and brothers.

A donation through Episcopal Relief and Development can also be done independently. They are one of the highest rated charities and have very low overhead expense. You can visit ER-D at .